
What is an Investigation?
15 Investigations visible to you, out of a total of 25

The investigation entails the construction and validation of a detailed mathematical model for glycolysis of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in the blood stage trophozoite form.


No description specified

This Investigation was performed by SySMO DB team together with PALS in order to crete methods and best practices for capturing experimental data.

Cell growth underlies many key cellular and developmental processes, yet a limited number of studies have been carried out on cell-growth regulation. Comprehensive studies at the transcriptional, proteomic and metabolic levels under defined controlled conditions are currently lacking.

This investigation shows public data taken from the BioInvestigation Index. ( Organism: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

An investigation into the control mechanisms of glycolytic flux in Lactococcus lactis.

This investigation represents the data and models published by Hoefnagel et al in JWS Online and in M.H.N. Hoefnagel, J. Hugenholtz and J.L. SnoepMol. Biol. Reports 29, 157-161 (2002)

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