JERM Templates
SysMO-DB, the SysMO-PALs and other members of the SysMO consortium have been developing a collection of JERM templates to facilitate standard formats for sharing the same kinds of data through the consortium. This page lists the current templates available.
- NatureProtocolsFormat.doc - Nature Protocols Format for SOPs (23.5 KB)
- metabolites_intracellular.xls - Intracellular metabolite mesurements (10 KB)
- microarray_example_newformat.xls - Microarray_ArrayExpressFormat (29.5 KB)
- GEOFormat.xls - Microarray_GEOFormat (47.5 KB)
- JERM_Basic_Data_metabolites2.xls - JERM_MetaboliteExample (35 KB)
- JERM_pride4.xls - Proteomics_PRIDE_MS (28.5 KB)