Bacillus subtilis

NCBI taxonomy browser

Strain details

Name Provider name Provider's strain ID Genotypes Phenotypes Synonym Comments Based on
168 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
NCIB3610 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
JW49 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
ATCC6633 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
default Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
168a Not specified some id del ase wild-type sss ss 168
168b Not specified Not specified del ase dasfadsf sss ss 168a
168c Not specified Not specified del ase dasfadsf sss ss 168b
testtest Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
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