Callimico goeldii

Details about this organism

Synonyms (2)

Goeldi's marmoset, Goeldi's monkey

Definitions (0)

None defined

NCBI taxonomy browser

Strain details

Name Provider name Provider's strain ID Genotypes Phenotypes Synonym Comments Based on
YJM789 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
FY2 diploid Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
FY3 diploid Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
YSBN1 diploid Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
YSBN2 diploid Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
CEN.PK113-7D haploid Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
BY4741 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
YSBN2 diploid1 HITS 123 ArgA add;argB add red eyes$$$long leg abcd no comment YSBN2 diploid
YSBN1 child HITS HITS01 argB del black skin$$$blue eyes YSB None YSBN1 diploid
new strain HITS HITS02 ArgC insert short hand Not specified None Not specified
M22 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
quyen strain Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
quyen strain 223 adsf wse435 ins ftrg wild-type Not specified None quyen strain
dfdf Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
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