Sample types

What is a Sample type?
27 Sample types found

for checking the api restrictions

title (String) *, a number (Real number) , an integer (Integer) , boolean (Boolean)

Not specified

No description specified

one attribute (String) *

Not specified

No description specified

s (String) *

Not specified

No description specified

Parent samples (Registered Sample List) , New sample (Text) *, date time (Date time) *, registered data file (Registered Data file) , URI (URI) , weblink (Web link) , ontology (Controlled Vocabulary - ontology term) , assay kit (Controlled Vocabulary - fhjbjk)

Not specified


test cv (Controlled Vocabulary - Spinal region) *

Not specified

No description specified

Source Name (String) *, organism (Controlled Vocabulary - organism (free text allowed)) *, organism part (Controlled Vocabulary - organism part (free text allowed)) *, developmental stage (Controlled Vocabulary - developmental stage (free text allowed)) *, age (Controlled Vocabulary - age (free text allowed)) *, genotype (Controlled Vocabulary - genotype (free text allowed)) *, cultivar (String) *, material type (Controlled Vocabulary - material type (free text allowed)) *

Not specified

No description specified

Input (Source Name) (Registered Sample List) *, sample collection (String) *, sampling site (String) , Sample Name (String) *, material type (Controlled Vocabulary - material type (free text allowed)) *

Not specified

No description specified

name (String) *, a_sample (Registered Sample - color sample) , a_datafile (Registered Data file) , a_strain (Registered Strain)

Not specified

No description specified

title (String) *, attr_1 (String) , attr_2 (String) , attr_3 (String) , attr_4 (String) , attr_5 (String) , attr_6 (String) , attr_7 (String) , attr_8 (String) , attr_9 (String)

Not specified

No description specified

id (String) *, df (Registered Data file) *

Not specified

No description specified

id (String) *, reference (Registered Sample - colors sample)

Not specified

What does it link to if it is linking to itself? can it link the same sample it is creating? Probably not.

New name for the self linked sample (String) *, The old sample (Registered Sample List) , Color (String)

Not specified

This Sample Type has one Attribute able to make references to samples that are already registered in SEEK

New name (String) *, Old sample name (Registered Sample List)

Not specified

No description specified

Name (String) *, wrong name (Registered Sample List)

Not specified

This Sample Type has descriptions in its Attributes! It is a wonderful way to inform what each Attribute is about

First attribute (String) *, Second (String) *, with a ontology (String) , with ontology and descript (String) , Ontology with ontology value (Controlled Vocabulary - NCIT Epidemiological Factors) ( mL )

Not specified

to test new fearures in SEEK version 1.12.0 this sampletype for Cell Culture description

sample_ID (String) *, Lab sample ID (String) *, parent sample (Registered Sample - OlgasTestType) , Age at sampling (Integer) ( wk ) , Starting date (Date time) *, Gender (Controlled Vocabulary - Gender) *, SOP used for culturing (Web link)

cell, cultute, biosample, SOP, organism

No description specified

CAPITAL KEY (String) *

Not specified

No description specified

Sample_ID (String) *, Organism (NCBI ID) , Variant ID (String) *, vf (Integer) , Location (String) , Chr: bp (String) , vf_allele (Controlled Vocabulary - Nucleotides) , Alleles (String)

Not specified

No description specified

longer ontology NCIT (Controlled Vocabulary - longer ontology) *

Not specified

No description specified

Ontology att (Controlled Vocabulary - Title of my ontology) *

Not specified

No description specified

input (Registered Sample - Sample_testing_with_fruits) *, characteristics (String) , output (String) *, input2 (Registered Sample - test001)

Not specified

No description specified

Sample number (String) , biome (Controlled Vocabulary - Biome from ENVO) *, Collection date (Date) , List of fruits (Controlled Vocabulary - List of fruits)

Not specified

No description specified

ID (Integer) *, curation status spec (Controlled Vocabulary - Dummy1)

Not specified

No description specified

RGB (String) *, color name (String) *, HEX (String) *

Not specified

No description specified

Month (String) ( mo ) *, Sunny Days (Integer) ( d ) , Happy Days (Integer) ( d )


No description specified

Colour (String) *, Container size (Integer) ( mL ) *

Not specified

No description specified

title (String) *, shape (String) , flavor (String) , energy (Real number)

Not specified

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