What is a Model?Filters
Creator: Stuart Owen
Submitter: Stuart Owen
Model type: Not specified
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Creator: Quyen Yamanaka
Submitter: Quyen Yamanaka
Model type: Partial differential equations (PDE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Genomic data allow the large-scale manual or semi-automated assembly of metabolic network reconstructions, which provide highly curated organism-specific knowledge bases. Although several genome-scale network reconstructions describe Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism, they differ in scope and content, and use different terminologies to describe the same chemical entities. This makes comparisons between them difficult and underscores the desirability of a consolidated metabolic network that ...
Creator: Quyen Yamanaka
Submitter: Quyen Yamanaka
Model type: Not specified
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Creator: Franco Boudrot
Submitter: Franco Boudrot
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Detailed kinetic model for glycolysis of L. lactis. The model is basically the same model as that published by Hoefnagel et al 2002 (Mol. Biol. Reports 29, 157-161). The change made to the model is to make external glucose a variable such that a glucose pulse can be simulated.
Creators: Jacky Snoep, Ana Rute Neves
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified