
What is a Model?
52 Models visible to you, out of a total of 73
No description specified

Creator: Stuey Owen

Submitter: Stuey Owen

Potato model taken from JWS Online:

Testing notification email

Creator: Stuart Owen

Submitter: Stuart Owen

No description specified

Creators: None

Submitter: Deleted submitter

No description specified

Creator: Quyen Yamanaka

Submitter: Quyen Yamanaka

Model for testing

Creator: Stuart Owen

Submitter: Stuart Owen

Genomic data allow the large-scale manual or semi-automated assembly of metabolic network reconstructions, which provide highly curated organism-specific knowledge bases. Although several genome-scale network reconstructions describe Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism, they differ in scope and content, and use different terminologies to describe the same chemical entities. This makes comparisons between them difficult and underscores the desirability of a consolidated metabolic network that ...

Creator: Quyen Yamanaka

Submitter: Quyen Yamanaka

No description specified

Creator: Guest

Submitter: Guest

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