
Short Name: 01_sequences Title: NGS sequences for de novo assembly Description: NGS sequences for de novo assembly; input for Study 02_denovo Raw Data: see: ./reports/SupplementaryTableS1-Input_sequences_information.xlsx pISA Study creation date: 2019-10-23 pISA Study creator: Maja Zagorscak Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: GPL-3 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes

SEEK ID: https://testing.sysmo-db.org/assays/446

Modelling analysis

Andrej Blejec

Projects: _p_stRT

Investigation: _I_STRT-3

Study: _S_01_sequences

Assay position:

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Organisms: No organisms

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Views: 402

Created: 14th Nov 2019 at 11:28

Last updated: 14th Nov 2019 at 11:28

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