Projects: SysMO DB, BaCell-SysMO, SulfoSys, SysMOLAB, <script>alert('xss-project-title')</script> & Test Project, Refinery NDD, Gatekeeper Testing Project, Hadas' project for Stuart, SilicoTryp, Gatekeeper test, Dummy project, Taverna Project, testing assigning organisms, Xiaoming Test, test, flora test project (2)
Institutions: HITS gGmbH, DSM Nutritional Products Ltd., Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester, <script>alert('xss-institution-title')</script> & Test Institution, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Braunscheig, ETH Zurich

Expertise: talking, walking, Data Management, Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Repositories, Microbiology, fishing, Proteomics
Tools: mouth, legs, Databases, Java, Workflows, Web services, Taverna, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, linux, J2EE, Microarray analysis, SBML
The Senior Research Software Engineer on SysMO-DB team.
Developing and testing SysMO SEEK, WorkflowHub and RightField.
search test ... Thy‐1 restricts steatosis Böät squiggle
Projects: SysMO DB, Virtual Liver Network Developers
Institutions: School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, HITS gGmbH
Expertise: Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Data Management
Tools: Data Management, Transcriptomics, Databases, Workflows, Web services, Taverna, Ontologies
I am a Research Fellow at the University of Manchester, working in Bioinformatics and Computer Science. I am also a guest researcher at the Vrije Universiteit.My research interests include scientific workflows, semantic discovery, and applying ontology technologies to biological data
Projects: SysMO DB
Institutions: School of Computer Science, University of Manchester
Expertise: Software Engineering
Tools: Data Management, Databases, Workflows
Professor of Computer Science