title: "IDs_withFiltering" author: "zagor" date: "19 julij 2019" output: html_document

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE)
# options(warn=-1)


if(!require(data.table)) install.packages("data.table")
if(!require(tidyverse)) install.packages("tidyverse")
if(!require(grr)) install.packages("grr")

'%ni%' = Negate('%in%')

# getwd()


IDs, evg headers and seq lenghts

tr = read.table(file = "../output/intermediate/Rywal/Rywal.tr_lengths.tsv", 
               header = TRUE, 
               sep = "\t", 
               quote = NULL,
               dec = ".", 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               comment.char = "@")

cds = read.table(file = "../output/intermediate/Rywal/Rywal.cds_lengths.tsv", 
               header = TRUE, 
               sep = "\t", 
               quote = NULL,
               dec = ".", 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               comment.char = "@")

colnames(tr)[1] = "name"
colnames(cds)[1] = "name"


tr = tr[, -c(2,3)]
cds = cds[, -c(2,3)]

tmp = strsplit(tr$name, " ")
tmp = data.table::transpose(tmp)
ID = tmp[[1]]
evgHead1 = tmp[[2]]
evgHead2 = tmp[[3]]
## gsub("[;\"]"
evgHead2 = sapply(1:length(evgHead2), function(x) gsub("aalen=", "", evgHead2[x]))
evgHead2 = sapply(1:length(evgHead2), function(x) gsub(";", "", evgHead2[x]))
temp = strsplit(evgHead2, ",")
temp = data.table::transpose(temp)
evgAAlen = temp[[1]]
evgAAperc = temp[[2]]
evgAAcomplete = temp[[3]]

evgHead1 = sapply(1:length(evgHead1), function(x) gsub("evgclass=", "", evgHead1[x]))
evgHead1 = sapply(1:length(evgHead1), function(x) gsub(";", "", evgHead1[x]))
temp = strsplit(evgHead1, ",")
temp = data.table::transpose(temp)
class = temp[[1]]
pass = temp[[2]]
match = temp[[3]]
pct = temp[[4]]

tr.2 = cbind(ID, class, pass, match, pct, evgAAlen, evgAAperc, evgAAcomplete, tr$length)
colnames(tr.2)[dim(tr.2)[2]] = "length"

tmp = strsplit(cds$name, " ")
tmp = data.table::transpose(tmp)
ID = tmp[[1]]
evgHead1 = tmp[[8]]
evgHead2 = tmp[[3]]

evgHead2 = sapply(1:length(evgHead2), function(x) gsub("aalen=", "", evgHead2[x]))
evgHead2 = sapply(1:length(evgHead2), function(x) gsub(";", "", evgHead2[x]))
temp = strsplit(evgHead2, ",")
temp = data.table::transpose(temp)
evgAAlen = temp[[1]]
evgAAperc = temp[[2]]
evgAAcomplete = temp[[3]]

evgHead1 = sapply(1:length(evgHead1), function(x) gsub("evgclass=", "", evgHead1[x]))
evgHead1 = sapply(1:length(evgHead1), function(x) gsub(";", "", evgHead1[x]))
temp = strsplit(evgHead1, ",")
temp = data.table::transpose(temp)
class = temp[[1]]
pass = temp[[2]]
match = temp[[3]]
pct = temp[[4]]

clen = gsub("clen=", "", tmp[[4]])
strand = gsub("strand=", "", tmp[[5]])
offs = gsub("offs=", "", tmp[[6]])
clen = gsub(";", "", clen)
strand = gsub(";", "", strand)
offs = gsub(";", "", offs)

# dim(cbind(clen, strand, offs))

cds.2 = cbind(ID, class, pass, match, pct, evgAAlen, evgAAperc, evgAAcomplete, clen, strand, offs, cds$length)
colnames(cds.2)[dim(cds.2)[2]] = "length"


dim(cds.2) - dim(tr.2)
utrorf = cds.2[grep("utrorf", cds.2[,1])]
tr.utrorf = gsub("utrorf", "", utrorf)
ind = match(tr.utrorf, tr.2[,1])

cat("missing in .tr: ", sum(is.na(ind)), "sequences while existing in .cds as utrorf \n")

ind2 = which(is.na(ind))
ind3 = match(utrorf[ind2],cds.2[,1])

mymat = matrix(NA, length(ind2), dim(tr.2)[2])
mymat[,1] = tr.utrorf[ind2]
colnames(mymat) = colnames(tr.2)
mymat = as.data.frame(mymat)
mymat$class = rep("lost.dropped", length(ind2))
mymat$pass = rep("as.utrorfs.cds", length(ind2))

# tr.2 = rbind(tr.2, mymat) # shift to utrorf file

uniqueness = gsub("utrorf", "", cds.2[,1])
n_occur <- data.frame(table(uniqueness))
duplicates = n_occur[n_occur$Freq > 1,]
# dim(duplicates)
## partial match
## duplicatedCDS = sapply(1:dim(duplicates)[1], function(x) grep(as.character(duplicates[x,1]), cds.2[,1]))
## duplicatedCDSTable = cds.2[unlist(duplicatedCDS),]
duplicatedCDSTable = rbind (cds.2[match(duplicates[,1],cds.2[,1]),], 
                            cds.2[match(paste0(duplicates[,1], "utrorf"),cds.2[,1]),])
duplicatedCDSTable = as.data.frame(duplicatedCDSTable)
duplicatedCDSTable = duplicatedCDSTable[with(duplicatedCDSTable, order(ID)), ]

cat(".tr with 2nd .cds: ", dim(duplicatedCDSTable)[1]/2, " \n")

write.table(duplicatedCDSTable, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_secondaryORFTable.tsv", 
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

colnames(tr.2)[2:dim(tr.2)[2]] = paste0("tr.", colnames(tr.2)[2:dim(tr.2)[2]])
colnames(cds.2)[2:dim(cds.2)[2]] = paste0("cds.", colnames(cds.2)[2:dim(cds.2)[2]])

# http://www.datasciencemadesimple.com/join-in-r-merge-in-r/

tr.3 = merge(tr.2, cds.2, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)

utrorf = cds.2[grep("utrorf", cds.2[,1])]
tr.utrorf = gsub("utrorf", "", utrorf)

ind4 = match(tr.utrorf, tr.2[,1])
ind5 = match(utrorf, cds.2[,1])
# colnames(cds.2[ind5,])  
# colnames(tr.2[ind4,])
tmp = (cds.2[ind5,])  
# dim(tr.2[ind4,]) 
colnames(tmp) = colnames(cds.2)
colnames(tmp)[1] = "ID2"
tmp = cbind(tmp, gsub("utrorf", "", tmp[,1]))
colnames(tmp)[dim(tmp)[2]] = "ID"

tr.3_utrorf = merge(tr.2, tmp, by="ID", all.y =TRUE)
colnames(tr.3_utrorf)[1] = "ID3"
colnames(tr.3_utrorf)[dim(tr.2)[2]+1] = "ID"
colnames(tr.3_utrorf)[1] = "ID2"
# dim(tr.3_utrorf)

mymat2 = matrix(NA, dim(mymat)[1], dim(tr.3_utrorf)[2])
colnames(mymat2) = colnames(tr.3_utrorf)
mymat2 = as.data.frame(mymat2)
mymat2$ID2 = mymat$ID
mymat2$tr.class = mymat$class
mymat2$tr.pass = mymat$pass
mymat2$tr.length = mymat$length
mymat2$ID = mymat$ID
i <- sapply(tr.3_utrorf, is.factor) 
tr.3_utrorf[i] <- lapply(tr.3_utrorf[i], as.character) 
i <- sapply(mymat2, is.factor) 
mymat2[i] <- lapply(mymat2[i], as.character) 
sum(mymat2$ID2 %in% tr.3_utrorf$ID2)
ind = match(mymat2$ID2, tr.3_utrorf$ID2)
# names(tr.3_utrorf)
tr.3_utrorf$tr.class[ind] = mymat2$tr.class # shift to utrorf file; already in
tr.3_utrorf$tr.pass[ind] = mymat2$tr.pass # shift to utrorf file; already in

sum(duplicatedCDSTable$ID %in% tr.3_utrorf$ID2)
sum(duplicatedCDSTable$ID %in% tr.3_utrorf$ID)

tmp = tr.3[which(tr.3$ID %in% duplicatedCDSTable$ID ),]
tmp$ID2 = tmp$ID
ind = match(colnames(tr.3_utrorf), colnames(tmp))
tmp = tmp[,ind]
removeAdd = match(tmp$ID, tr.3$ID)

tr.3_utrorf = rbind(tmp, tr.3_utrorf) # shift to utrorf file

tr.3 = tr.3[-removeAdd,] # shift to utrorf file


     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "Rywal evigene transcripts length", xlab = "transcript length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey90")
     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "Rywal evigene coding sequences length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey45", las=2)
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
axis(1, at=c(180), labels=c(180), las=2, col = c("red"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("red"))
axis(1, at=c(200), labels=c(200), las=2, col = c("blue"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("blue"))
axis(1, at=c(300), labels=c(300), las=2, col = c("green"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("green"))

     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
      main = "Rywal evigene transcripts with secondary ORF length", xlab = "transcript length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey90")
     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "Rywal evigene secondary ORF coding sequences length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey45", las=2)
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
axis(1, at=c(180), labels=c(180), las=2, col = c("red"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("red"))
axis(1, at=c(200), labels=c(200), las=2, col = c("blue"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("blue"))
axis(1, at=c(300), labels=c(300), las=2, col = c("green"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("green"))

Match Annot

MA = read.table(file = "../output/intermediate/Rywal/Rywal.tr_DM_STARlong.Aligned.out.sorted.sam.matchAnnot.parsed.txt", 
               header = FALSE, 
               sep = " ", 
               quote = NULL,
               dec = ".", 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               na.strings = "",
               comment.char = "@")

# dim(MA)
colnames(MA) = c("ID", "DMgeneID", "DMtrID", "exon_match", "match_score")
MA = MA[order(MA$ID),] 
duplRow = which(duplicated(MA) | duplicated(MA[nrow(MA):1, ])[nrow(MA):1])

MA = MA[!duplicated(MA),]

hist(MA$match_score, main = 'All Match Annot scores', xlab = "MA score")

data <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1,dim(MA)[1],1),MA))
colnames(data)[1] = "enumerate"
DT5 = data[ , .(match.score = paste(match_score,
                         collapse=",")), by = ID]

no.gene_score.0 = 
    unlist(sapply(1:length(DT5$match.score), function(i) {
      aa = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(DT5$match.score[i], ",")))
      if(all(is.na(aa)) | max(aa, na.rm=TRUE) == 0) return(i)
ind = unlist(matches((unlist(DT5[no.gene_score.0 ,1])), MA[,1],  list =TRUE))
no.gene_score.0 = MA[ind ,]

MA.2 = MA[-which(MA$match_score == 0),]
MA = MA.2[-which(is.na(MA.2$match_score)),]

# only ones with max score
# uniqueID = unique(MA$ID)
keep = NULL
# to slow!!!
# keep = unlist(
#   sapply(1:length(uniqueID), function(i) {
#     if (!(i %% 100)) print(i)
#       # print(uniqueID[i])
#       ind = matches(uniqueID[i], MA[,1], all.x=FALSE,all.y=FALSE)[,2]
#       mmax = max(MA[ind,5])
#       ind2 = matches(mmax, MA[ind,5], all.x=FALSE,all.y=FALSE)[,2]
#       c(keep,(ind[ind2]))
#     }
#   )
# )

data <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1,dim(MA)[1],1),MA))
colnames(data)[1] = "enumerate"

dd = data %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarize(maxID = paste(enumerate[which(match_score == max(match_score))],  

keep = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(dd$maxID, ",")))
dim(MA)[1] - length(keep)
MA = MA[keep,]
hist(MA$match_score, main = 'Selected Match Annot scores', xlab = "MA score")

# dim(MA)
DT1 = MA[ , .(DM.geneID = paste(DMgeneID,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT2 = MA[ , .(DM.trID = paste(DMtrID,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT3 = MA[ , .(exon.match = paste(exon_match,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT4 = MA[ , .(match.score = paste(match_score,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT1.1 = no.gene_score.0[ , .(DM.geneID = paste(DMgeneID,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT2.1 = no.gene_score.0[ , .(DM.trID = paste(DMtrID,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT3.1 = no.gene_score.0[ , .(exon.match = paste(exon_match,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT4.1 = no.gene_score.0[ , .(match.score = paste(match_score,
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]

# dim(MA)

myVec = unique(MA[,1])
myVec.1 = unique(no.gene_score.0[,1])
# dim(myVec)
# dim(myVec.1)
# dim(DT1)
# dim(DT1.1)

myVec = merge(myVec, DT1, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec = merge(myVec, DT2, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec = merge(myVec, DT3, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec = merge(myVec, DT4, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec.1 = merge(myVec.1, DT1.1, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec.1 = merge(myVec.1, DT2.1, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec.1 = merge(myVec.1, DT3.1, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec.1 = merge(myVec.1, DT4.1, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)

# dim(myVec)
# dim(myVec.1)

no.gene_score.0 = merge(tr.3, myVec.1, all.y =TRUE)

# print(dim(merge(tr.3, myVec, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)))

tr.3 = merge(tr.3, myVec, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
colnames(myVec)[1] = "ID2"
tr.3_utrorf = merge(tr.3_utrorf, myVec, by="ID2", all.x =TRUE)
# dim(tr.3_utrorf)


IPR = read.table(file = "../output/intermediate/Rywal/Rywal_IPS_filtered_aggregated_filtered.tsv", 
               header = TRUE, 
               sep = "\t", 
               quote = NULL,
               dec = ".", 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               comment.char = "@")

# dim(IPR)
colnames(IPR)[1] = c("ID")

# print(dim(merge(tr.3, IPR, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)))

tr.3 = merge(tr.3, IPR, by="ID", all.x = TRUE)
tr.3_utrorf = merge(tr.3_utrorf, IPR, by="ID", all.x = TRUE)
# dim(tr.3_utrorf)
no.gene_score.0 = merge(no.gene_score.0, IPR, all.x = TRUE)

colnames(tr.3)[which(colnames(tr.3) == "Analysis")] = "IPS_Analysis"
colnames(tr.3_utrorf)[which(colnames(tr.3_utrorf) == "Analysis")] = "IPS_Analysis"
colnames(no.gene_score.0)[which(colnames(no.gene_score.0) == "Analysis")] = "IPS_Analysis"

colnames(tr.3)[which(colnames(tr.3) == "Signature_Accession")] = "IPS_Signature_Accession"
colnames(tr.3_utrorf)[which(colnames(tr.3_utrorf) == "Signature_Accession")] = "IPS_Signature_Accession"
colnames(no.gene_score.0)[which(colnames(no.gene_score.0) == "Signature_Accession")] = "IPS_Signature_Accession"


vs = read.table(file = "../output/intermediate/Rywal/Rywal_vecscreen.tsv", 
               header = TRUE, 
               sep = "\t", 
               quote = NULL,
               dec = ".", 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               comment.char = "@")

# dim(vs)
colnames(vs)[1] = "ID"

# dim(vs)
DT1 = vs[ , .(coverage = paste(paste0(Matching_vector._starting_with_uv., " [",
                                       Lower_end_of_the_alignment_in_the_vector, "-",
                                       Upper_end_of_the_alignment_in_the_vector, "] ",
                                      coverage, "%"),
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT2 = vs[ , .(vectorEvidence = paste(paste0(The_strength_of_this_vecscreen_match_, ", ",
                                       The_strength_of_the_strongest_vecscreen_match_for_this_query, ", ",
                                       Whether_there_is_any_dangling_part_.called_.Suspect._by_vecscreen._at_either_end_of_the_query, ", ",
                         collapse="; ")), by = ID]
DT3 = vs[ , .(blastnVector = paste(blastn_desc, collapse="; ")), by = ID]

myVec = unique(vs[,1])
# dim(myVec)
# dim(DT1)

myVec = merge(myVec, DT1, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec = merge(myVec, DT2, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
myVec = merge(myVec, DT3, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)

# print(dim(merge(tr.3, myVec, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)))

tr.3 = merge(tr.3, myVec, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
no.gene_score.0 = merge(no.gene_score.0, myVec, all.x = TRUE)
colnames(myVec)[1] = "ID2"
tr.3_utrorf = merge(tr.3_utrorf, myVec, by="ID2", all.x =TRUE)
# dim(tr.3_utrorf)

colnames(tr.3)[which(colnames(tr.3) == "coverage")] = "VecScreen_coverage"
colnames(tr.3_utrorf)[which(colnames(tr.3_utrorf) == "coverage")] = "VecScreen_coverage"
colnames(no.gene_score.0)[which(colnames(no.gene_score.0) == "coverage")] = "VecScreen_coverage"


(myfiles = list.files(path = "../output/intermediate/Rywal/", pattern = "ENCHformat_top1.tsv"))

# watch our for comment.chars # in tables
for (i in myfiles) {
  blast = read.table(file = paste0("../output/intermediate/Rywal/",i), 
               header = TRUE, 
               sep = "\t", 
               quote = NULL,
               dec = ".", 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               comment.char = "@")
  blast = blast[,-1]
  # if (grepl(".tr_", i)) {
  #   remove = which(!grepl("evgclass", blast[,1])) # lost
  #   blast = blast[-remove,]
  # }
  tmp = strsplit(blast[,1], " ")
  tmp = data.table::transpose(tmp)[[1]]
  blast[,1] = tmp
  remove = which(duplicated(blast[,1])) # duplicated
  if (length(remove)) blast = blast[-remove,]
  colnames(blast)[1] = "ID"
  blast$Gaps.num = round(blast$Gaps.*blast$Aligned_seq_length/100)
  blast$Query_coverage = (blast$Aligned_seq_length-blast$Gaps.num)/(blast$Query_length/3)
  blast$Target_coverage = (blast$Aligned_seq_length-blast$Gaps.num)/blast$Target_length
  blast$Query_Target_ratio = (blast$Query_length/3)/blast$Target_length
  ind1 = which(blast$Query_coverage >= 0.50)
  ind2 = which(blast$Target_coverage >= 0.50)
  ind = intersect(ind1, ind2)
  blast = blast[ind, ]
  blast$Target_coverage[blast$Target_coverage > 1.0] = 1.0
  blast$Query_coverage[blast$Query_coverage > 1.0] = 1.0
  ind = which(colnames(blast) %in% c("ID", "Target_ID", "Target_description", "Aligned_seq_length", "Target_coverage", "Query_coverage", 
                         "E.value", "Score"))
  blast = blast[, ind]

  j = gsub(".out.ENCHformat_top1.tsv", "", i)
  j = gsub("_Rywal", "", j)
  colnames(blast)[2:dim(blast)[2]] = paste0(j, "_", colnames(blast)[2:dim(blast)[2]])
  tr.3 = merge(tr.3, blast, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
  no.gene_score.0 = merge(no.gene_score.0, blast, by="ID", all.x = TRUE)

  if ((grepl(".cds_", i))) {
    tr.3_utrorf = merge(tr.3_utrorf, blast, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)
    # cat (".cds:", dim(merge(tr.3_utrorf, blast, by="ID", all.x =TRUE)), "\n")
    # print(dim(tr.3_utrorf))
  } else {
    colnames(blast)[1] = "ID2"
    tr.3_utrorf = merge(tr.3_utrorf, blast, by="ID2", all.x =TRUE)
    # cat(".tr: ", dim(merge(tr.3_utrorf, blast, by="ID2", all.x =TRUE)), "\n")
    # print(dim(tr.3_utrorf))

### save.image("../output/Rywal/Rywal_withFiltering.RData")

save(tr.3, tr.3_utrorf, no.gene_score.0, file = "../output/Rywal/tr3s.RData")







i <- sapply(tr.3, is.factor) 
tr.3[i] <- lapply(tr.3[i], as.character) 
tr.3[is.na(tr.3)] = NA
tr.3[tr.3 == ""] = NA

i <- sapply(no.gene_score.0, is.factor) 
no.gene_score.0[i] <- lapply(no.gene_score.0[i], as.character) 
no.gene_score.0[is.na(no.gene_score.0)] = NA
no.gene_score.0[no.gene_score.0 == ""] = NA
# write.table(no.gene_score.0, "../output/Rywal/no.gene_score.0_all.tsv", 
#             sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE,
#             quote = FALSE)

     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(no.gene_score.0$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "Rywal evigene MA score NA/0 CDS sequence length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(no.gene_score.0$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey45", las=2)
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
axis(1, at=c(180), labels=c(180), las=2, col = c("red"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("red"))
axis(1, at=c(200), labels=c(200), las=2, col = c("blue"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("blue"))
axis(1, at=c(300), labels=c(300), las=2, col = c("green"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("green"))

table(as.numeric(no.gene_score.0$cds.length) >= 300)
table(as.numeric(no.gene_score.0$cds.length) >= 200)
table(as.numeric(no.gene_score.0$cds.length) >= 180)

i <- sapply(tr.3_utrorf, is.factor) 
tr.3_utrorf[i] <- lapply(tr.3_utrorf[i], as.character) 
tr.3_utrorf[is.na(tr.3_utrorf)] = NA
tr.3_utrorf[tr.3_utrorf == ""] = NA

keep or remove

# colnames(tr.3_utrorf)

okay = which(!is.na(tr.3_utrorf$DM.trID))

print("check if motif is in contamination")
okay = c(okay, which(!is.na(tr.3_utrorf$IPS_Analysis)))

ind = grep("Target_ID", colnames(tr.3_utrorf))

okay = c(okay, 

# which(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf$cds.length) >= 180)
# which(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf$cds.length) < 180)

okay = sort(unique(okay))

tr.3_utrorf.annot = tr.3_utrorf[okay,]
tr.3_utrorf.unknown = tr.3_utrorf[-okay,]

     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
      main = "OK Rywal evigene transcript with secondary ORF length", xlab = "transcript length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE))))
     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "OK Rywal evigene secondary ORF coding sequence length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey45", las=2)
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
axis(1, at=c(180), labels=c(180), las=2, col = c("red"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("red"))
axis(1, at=c(200), labels=c(200), las=2, col = c("blue"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("blue"))
axis(1, at=c(300), labels=c(300), las=2, col = c("green"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("green"))

table(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$cds.length) >= 300)
table(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$cds.length) >= 200)
table(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$cds.length) >= 180)

     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
      main = "notOK Rywal evigene transcript with secondary ORF length", xlab = "transcript length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE))))
     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "notOK Rywal evigene secondary ORF coding sequence length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))),
     col = "grey45", las=2)
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
axis(1, at=c(180), labels=c(180), las=2, col = c("red"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("red"))
axis(1, at=c(200), labels=c(200), las=2, col = c("blue"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("blue"))
axis(1, at=c(300), labels=c(300), las=2, col = c("green"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("green"))

table(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$cds.length) >= 300)
table(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$cds.length) >= 200)
table(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$cds.length) >= 180)

# shorty = tr.3_utrorf.annot[which(as.numeric(tr.3_utrorf.annot$cds.length) < 300),]

# weight =  –2.1 + 0.02 × Similarity% (or Positives%)) + 0.01 × Coverage% > 0
# S ... Similarity% (BLAST-tsv file: Positives%) 
# C ... Coverage% = Aligned_seq_length / minimum(Query_length/1 OR 3 for prot, Target_length) 

tr.3_utrorf.annot[is.na(tr.3_utrorf.annot)] = "-"
tr.3_utrorf.unknown[is.na(tr.3_utrorf.unknown)] = "-"

# write.table(tr.3_utrorf.annot, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_annot_all.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")

# write.table(tr.3_utrorf.unknown, file = "../output/Rywal/remove/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_unknown.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")

# write.table(tr.3_utrorf.annot$ID, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_annot_IDs_all.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")

write.table(tr.3_utrorf.unknown$ID, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_drop_IDs.tsv",
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")


ind = which(tr.3_utrorf.annot$tr.pass == "okay")

# write.table(tr.3_utrorf.annot[ind,], file = "../output/Rywal/keep/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_annot_keep.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")
tr.3_utrorf.annot[ind,]$status = "keep"

write.table(tr.3_utrorf.annot$ID[ind], file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_keep_IDs.tsv",
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

# write.table(tr.3_utrorf.annot[-ind,], file = "../output/Rywal/remove/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_annot_drop.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")

tr.3_utrorf.annot[-ind,]$status = "discard"

write.table(tr.3_utrorf.annot$ID[-ind], file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_utrorf_drop_IDs.tsv", 
            append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

# colnames(tr.3)

okay = which(!is.na(tr.3$DM.trID))
okay = c(okay, which(!is.na(tr.3$IPS_Analysis)))

ind = grep("Target_ID", colnames(tr.3))

okay = c(okay, 

# which(as.numeric(tr.3$cds.length) >= 180)
# which(as.numeric(tr.3$cds.length) < 180)

okay = sort(unique(okay))

tr.3.annot = tr.3[okay,]
tr.3.unknown = tr.3[-okay,]


     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
      main = "OK Rywal evigene transcript length", xlab = "transcript length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE))))
     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "OK Rywal evigene coding sequence length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))))
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
table(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$cds.length) >= 300)
table(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$cds.length) >= 200)
table(as.numeric(tr.3.annot$cds.length) >= 180)

     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
      main = "notOK Rywal evigene transcript with secondary ORF length", xlab = "transcript length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$tr.length), na.rm = TRUE))))
     breaks = seq(0, max(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE) + 50, 50),
     main = "notOK Rywal evigene secondary ORF coding sequence length", xlab = "CDS length",
     xlim=c(0, max(300,max(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$cds.length), na.rm = TRUE))),     
     col = "grey45", las=2)
abline(v=180, col = "red")
abline(v=200, col = "blue")
abline(v=300, col = "green")
axis(1, at=c(180), labels=c(180), las=2, col = c("red"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("red"))
axis(1, at=c(200), labels=c(200), las=2, col = c("blue"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("blue"))
axis(1, at=c(300), labels=c(300), las=2, col = c("green"), cex.axis=0.75, col.axis = c("green"))

table(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$cds.length) >= 300)
table(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$cds.length) >= 200)
table(as.numeric(tr.3.unknown$cds.length) >= 180)

tr.3.annot[is.na(tr.3.annot)] = "-"
tr.3.unknown[is.na(tr.3.unknown)] = "-"

# write.table(tr.3.annot, file = "../output/Rywal/keep/Rywal_tr.3_annot.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")
# write.table(tr.3.unknown, file = "../output/Rywal/remove/Rywal_tr.3_unknown.tsv", 
#             append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
#             eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
#             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#             fileEncoding = "")

write.table(tr.3.annot$ID, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_keep_IDs.tsv", 
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

write.table(tr.3.unknown$ID, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.3_drop_IDs.tsv", 
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

combo table

tr.3.unknown$ID2 = tr.3.unknown$ID
tr.3.annot$ID2 = tr.3.annot$ID
orderC = match(colnames(tr.3_utrorf.annot), colnames(tr.3.annot))
combo = rbind(tr.3.unknown[,orderC], tr.3_utrorf.unknown, tr.3_utrorf.annot, tr.3.annot[,orderC])
colnames(combo)[1:2]=c("tr.ID", "cds.ID")

write.table(combo, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_tr.cds.tsv", 
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

# colnames(tr.3.annot)

take = c(which(is.na(no.gene_score.0$IPS_Analysis)))

ind = grep("Target_ID", colnames(no.gene_score.0))

take = intersect(take, (
         which(is.na(no.gene_score.0[,ind[1]]) &
         (is.na(no.gene_score.0[,ind[2]])) &
         (is.na(no.gene_score.0[,ind[3]])) &
         (is.na(no.gene_score.0[,ind[4]])) &
         (is.na(no.gene_score.0[,ind[5]])) &

take = sort(unique(take))

no.gene_score.0 = no.gene_score.0[take,]
no.gene_score.0 = no.gene_score.0[, 1:which(colnames(no.gene_score.0) == "blastnVector")]
no.gene_score.0 = no.gene_score.0[, -c(grep("IPR", colnames(no.gene_score.0)), grep("IPS", colnames(no.gene_score.0)))]

write.table(no.gene_score.0, file = "../output/Rywal/Rywal_justDMmapped_score.0.tsv", 
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")

